Jill Egan Still on the Drive

Sahara News | Jill Egan Still on the Drive

For those who don’t know, Jill Egan is a British artist who has been creating art for over two decades. Her work is unique and reflects her personal experiences, as well as her love for nature and the environment. She has exhibited her work in several countries and has won several awards for her art. One of her most famous works is the sculpture “Jill Egan Still on the Drive.”

The sculpture is a life-size bronze of a woman sitting on a park bench. She is wearing a coat and scarf, and her hands are clasped in her lap. The woman’s face is serene, and she seems to be lost in thought. The sculpture is placed on a concrete plinth and is surrounded by a small garden.

The Inspiration for the Sculpture

Jill Egan created the sculpture in 2002, and it has been on display in several locations since then. The inspiration for the sculpture came from a trip she took to New York City in the late 1990s. She was walking through Central Park, and she saw an old woman sitting on a park bench. The woman was lost in thought, and Jill was struck by her peacefulness and serenity.

Jill Egan decided to create a sculpture that captured the old woman’s spirit and sense of peace. She wanted to create a sculpture that would remind people to slow down and appreciate the world around them. She chose to make the woman life-size to make the sculpture more impactful and to create a sense of presence.

The Meaning behind the Sculpture

Jill Egan Still on the Drive is more than just a sculpture. It is a reminder to people to slow down and appreciate the world around them. The sculpture represents the importance of taking time to reflect and think. It is a reminder that sometimes, the best thing we can do is to sit down and be still.

The sculpture is also a tribute to the elderly. It is a reminder that the elderly have a lot to offer and that they should not be forgotten. The old woman in the sculpture represents the wisdom and experience that comes with age. She is a reminder that we should respect and honor the elderly.

The Reaction to the Sculpture

The sculpture has received a lot of attention since it was first created. Many people have been moved by the sculpture and have found it to be a source of inspiration. The sculpture has been described as peaceful, calming, and reflective. It has been used as a backdrop for weddings, and it has been the subject of many photographs.

The sculpture has also been the subject of controversy. Some people have criticized the sculpture, saying that it is too sentimental and that it does not reflect the reality of life. Others have criticized the sculpture, saying that it is too focused on the elderly and that it does not reflect the diversity of the community.

The Future of the Sculpture

Jill Egan Still on the Drive has been on display in several locations since it was created. It was initially on display in a park in Bristol, UK. It was then moved to a park in Bath, UK, where it stayed for several years. In 2015, the sculpture was moved to a new location in Bath, where it is still on display today.

The future of the sculpture is uncertain. There have been discussions about moving the sculpture to a new location or even selling it. However, many people feel that the sculpture should remain in its current location as it has become an important part of the community.


Jill Egan Still on the Drive is a unique and inspiring sculpture that has captured the hearts of many people. It is a reminder to slow down and appreciate the world around us. It is a tribute to the elderly and a reminder that they should not be forgotten. The sculpture has received both praise and criticism, but it has remained an important part of the community. The future of the sculpture is uncertain, but one thing is for sure, it will continue to inspire and move people for years to come.

Related video of Jill Egan Still on the Drive

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